News room
22 Dec 2020
South Australian workers and employers can be confident in ReturnToWorkSA’s vigilance in prosecuting dishonesty in South Australia’s workers compensation system.
13 Nov 2020
The ReturnToWorkSA Annual Report 2019-20 highlights the achievements of the Return to Work scheme, including ensuring the effective economic operation of the Scheme and realising the health benefits of work.
27 Oct 2020
Today a new charter was signed to announce the Collaborative Partnership for Workplace Health and Wellbeing in South Australia and launch the Healthy Workplaces website
31 Jul 2020
ReturnToWorkSA acknowledges the National Mental Health and Wellbeing Pandemic Response Plan and we have reviewed our activities/initiatives against the Plan’s priority areas.
23 Jul 2020
As we are currently reviewing the terms and conditions of appointment and performance measurement frameworks for return to work services, it is not appropriate to be processing new applications during this period. This will be reviewed at 31 October 2020, and may re-open at that time.
17 Apr 2020
ReturnToWorkSA is working with South Australian businesses and their workers to provide support during the COVID-19 health crisis.