Claims data provision guide for new applicants

Claims data

ReturnToWorkSA collects claims data from self-insured employers under Schedule 3 of the Return to Work Regulations 2015. The type and format of the data to be provided is detailed within the Self-Insured employer EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) technical specification (DOCX, 850 KB).

An applicant for registration as a self-insured employer will need to:

  • have in place a claims management database that is capable of transmitting claims data in the required format
  • be granted access to the ReturnToWorkSA's secure online services - new users will need to register for an account
  • undertake testing of its claims management database.

Below is a list of some software vendors that currently provide claims management systems to self-insured employers:

  • C-Net
  • Elumina
  • Figtree
  • Frontier
  • InjuryConnect
  • Marsh
  • ProRM
  • SBC-IT

Once testing has been completed, the self-insured employer can start transmitting live data files. Live data transmissions must start within three months of registration as a self-insured employer.

A self-insured employer must ensure:

  • data is transmitted every calendar month or such other time required by ReturnToWorkSA
  • no more than two missed or failed/rejected data transmissions occur in any six-month period
  • there are no occurrences of two or more consecutive missed or failed/rejected transmissions
  • all errors at batch and line levels are resolved within one month of the error occurring

Related Information

Self-insured employers must maintain procedures that describe their process for recording and transmitting data. Further information on self-insured data requirements can be located in the:

If you require any further assistance on claims data, please email or phone Kit Mitchell, Insurer Performance Analyst, on (08) 8233 2467.